Monday, June 27, 2011

The #15 thing that I love about Brazil is..........

O Abraço Brasileiro.(The Brazilian hug)

Growing up in the USA the only male people I hugged were my family. Hugging outside those parameters is generally not manly. On the other hand in Brazil there is the Abraço which is okay, it is not the same thing. For men to "Abraçar" or to hug other men its okay as long as there is hip separation. There might be an occasional belly bump or chest contact but it is okay to hug. You will also notice that at the end of my posts I always say "até logo e um abraço." Well that means see you later and a hug. It is totally okay and even polite for men to finish a phone conversation or an email and send a hug. Sometimes even us big fellows can be sentimental and we need a hug. In the US I wouldn't even dare admit that I got sentimental, my brothers would never let me hear the end of it. I once told my family that I wanted to start learning Kung Fu and they laughed at me. But here in Brazil we men can be more comfortable with our sexuality. I am not saying that we have to go join the gay parade or wear a speed-o to the beach,(I told my wife to put me outta my misery if I ever wore a speed-o) all I am saying is that it is more than okay to be hugged and to hug someone back. So if you're ever in Brazil, don't get all weirded out if someone tries to hug you. Até logo e um abraço.

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