The #7 thing I love about Brazil is.........
Brazilian willingness to go out of their way to help you, whether your house has been flooded and needs to be cleaned or if you need directions somewhere. Brazilians have it in their nature to be helpful. I have friends who when he was travelling he asked for directions to a certain place and the person he asked was kind enough to stop what he was doing to lead them their, even though it was out of his way. Its great to know I have friends who are willing to go way out of their way just to help me out. I think its important to mention that I have had great help from a certain Brazilian friend here who has driven me across São Paulo a couple of times just to check on my visa or passport. He never asked for gas money and even when I went to give him the money for gas he still acted like it was no big deal. I am sure that everyone has heard stories about how dangerous it is in Rio de Janeiro but I can tell you, that there are more good people with great hearts then their are bad people. So if your in Brazil and your lost, go ahead and ask any person. If they don't know, they will try to find someone who does to help you. Até logo e um abraço.
Awesome text!