Monday, June 13, 2011

The #1 thing i love about Brazil is.......
My beautiful wife, she is the number one thing I love PERIOD! Although most people don't know this about her, she has a great sense of humor. She is super humble. She always laughs at my jokes, even though they aren't that funny. She is really patient (she's married to me right?) She is a wonderful cook, I think my personal favorite is her coxinha de calabresa* or her cheesy meatballs. But the best thing about Camila is that she would do anything for me if i asked her. She always pushes me to do more, to be more, to never be comfortable with being mediocre. She reminds me that I should always do more in the church and to take any calling in the church very seriously. She is the number one thing i love about Brazil.

  • 1 colher (sopa) de cheiro-verde picado
  • 1 xícara (chá) de farinha de trigo
  • 2 xícara (chá) de farinha de rosca
  • 1 quilo de batata cozida espremida
  • Sal e pimenta-do-reino a gosto
  • Óleo para fritar
  • 2 ovos
  • Recheio:
  • ½ quilo de lingüiça calabresa defumada e moída
  • 1 cebola picada
Em uma tigela, colocar todos os ingredientes da massa (menos 1 ovo e a farinha de rosca) e misturar bem até formar uma massa homogênea e firme. Em uma tigela, misturar os ingredientes do recheio. Abrir a massa em círculos, rechear e fechar no formato de coxinhas. Passar no ovo restante, na farinha de rosca e fritar em óleo quente até dourar

1 tbsp (tablespoons) chopped parsley
1 cup (tea) of wheat flour
2 cup (tea) breadcrumbs
1 pound baked mashed potato
Salt and black pepper pepper to taste
Oil for frying
2 eggs
½ pound smoked sausage and ground
1 onion, chopped
Oregano to taste

In a bowl, place all dough ingredients (leave out 1 egg and bread crumbs) and mix well to form a firm mass. In a bowl, mix the filling ingredients. Open the dough into circles, fill and close in the format of drumsticks. mix coxinha in the egg and breadcrumbs then fry in hot oil until a golden color. (oil needs to be HOT!)

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