#2 thing I love about Brazil......FESTA JUNINA!!!!
I don't know if there is a better holiday in all of Brazil than Festa Junina. If you were to ask most people what comes to mind when you think of Brazil they would say Carnaval. But let me tell you, Carnaval is not a good holiday, in fact it is a terrible holiday, the only good thing about carnaval is that you get two days off of work. During carnaval people drink WAY too much, then they drive, just a quick fact for everyone out there, during the 2011 carnaval there were at least 189 deaths caused by car accidents that were registered with the federal police and 3,566 people injured in car accidents that were also registered with the Federal Police during the 4 days of carnaval.
Festa Junina on the other hand is GREAT! It happens during the month of June. In São Paulo where I currently reside we have the famous Quermesse, which is a type of county fair, for all you Seattleites it would be like the Evergreen state fair or the Puyallup fair. Of food there is plenty, it has a common theme of country food, lots of corn based foods and desserts. Corn cake just might be my favorite, its sort of like corn bread but sweet. Then you have Pamonha which is where you take creamed corn and steam it inside the corn husk. Very Delicious. There is regular boiled corn, barbecued corn and many more. There is barbecued beef sandwiches, barbecued sausage sandwiches, there is the famed fogazza. I can't forget that there are candied apples to. Lots of popcorn. For people who drink there is Vinho quente which is hot wine(if its already hot outside, why would you want hot wine?) there is also quentão which is a hot drink that is made with ginger and apple juice and cinnamon. Suffice to say that the food is a huge part of Festa Junina. Then there is lots of Quadrilhas or square dancing where the participants always dress up as Caipiras. (country folk) I bought a cowboy hat specifically for the occasion. The music is always Forró de raiz. (which is a play off of english "for all") A song you might know has been done by David Buryne in English which is called Asa Branca. Camila can sing the entire song. Another typical custom of Festa Junina that I love are bonfires. There is always someone on almost every street who starts a bonfire. And last there are lots of games to play like bingo and typical fair games that are near impossible to win.
So Festa Junina Is my number 2 thing I love about Brazil, I really can't wait to take my parents next year. Até Logo e um abraço.
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